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Estúdios fantásticos, mas desiludida com o tour...

"A nossa experiência com este tour ficou um pouco à quem do que esperávamos, passo a explicar... Escolhemos o tour mais caro por ser só para 15 pessoas, até aí nada a apontar no início (embora fossemos 30), pois na Estação de Euston fomos recebidos por uma guia fantástica, que nos ...


Mais populares em Musicais em Londres

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London Victoria

Catch a Wicked performance at the iconic art deco Apollo Victoria Theatre, or rap to Hamilton at the Victoria Palace; take a picture of both Little and Big Ben (just stroll down Victoria Street and you’ll find both); see both Westminster Cathedral and Westminster Abbey and relax in the beautiful St. James’s Park. Victoria has it all!

Caridade Ticmate

London Victoria

Victoria, the beating heart of London and hub for millions of tourists each year. From the famous train station found in Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” and Arthur Conan Doyle’s “Sherlock Holmes”, to some of the best shopping in London, Victoria is also home to some of the city’s best attractions and theatres.

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